Friday, August 23, 2013

My Writings

My life has been a whirlwind of activites for the past few months. I received an invitation to write a story(ies) of mysterious happenings, supernatural occurances, mysteries, healings, etc. I had three supernatural occurances in my life. So I wrote about two of them and when my writing group critiqued them and I corrected them, I e-mailed them to the Stewart Bell book author that was going to be published next year. I got confirmation of their receipt from Jeannette Little, the woman who was doing the collecting of the stories for the book. Since then, I have been waiting to see if my stories were going to be accepted. I feel like an expectant mother, just waiting for signs of impending birth, not of a baby, but the wait is just as painful. I say to myself, maybe tomorrow I will hear something, or next week...and then I try to put it out of my mind for a while. I also sent a story entitled My Miracle to Christie Phillips who is also putting a book of strange happenings, miracles, etc.

My Miracle is a true story of my older sisters fight with cancer and how God healed her completely without an operation. The doctors gave her Chemo therapy but they literally gave up on her. The doctor issued a prescription for Oxycodon for her to take as often as she needed for the pain the doctor knew would consume her every waking moment.

Well, God is in charge, is He not? It is He, Who makes the decision as to who lives and who dies. God made that decision very precise and slowly, but surely, God began to heal my sister, whose body was eaten up with cancer until she lost from 191 pounds down to 119 pounds. She looked like death warmed over. She even lost that spark in her eye and gave up on herself. But, her vast Family did not give up on her. She has relatives in LaFayette, Georgia, Trion, Georgia, Anderson, Indiana, Alabama, and Michigan. All of those relatives have churches and when word got out for the need of healing prayer, every one of those churches prayed for healing for Gene. God was barraged with bullets of sincere prayer for healing for her. Prayer really does change things.

After weeks in the hospital, the doctor sent Gene home with instructions to take the Oxycodon as often as she needed to aleviate the ever increasing pain that would eventually consume her every waking moment. He clearly gave up on her survival. But, he did not know the power and complete love of God, the Father. Of course, Gene had to go back to the doctor every month for tests to see how she was coping with the deadly cancer that seemed to be ravaging her body.

Surprise, doctor! He was not a believing man. He was a scientist, not a Christain. On one of Gene's visits back to the hospital for testing, the doctor took a very long time to report the results of the tests he took every month. This time the prognosis was different and unexpected, a complete surprise. Mr. Brubach (Gene's husband), I am not a believing man, but I've got to believe the results of these tests. Mr. Brubach, your wife is a walking miracle. I can't find one cancerous cell in her whole body. I took the tests several times and it's just not there any more.

Needless to say, both Gene and George were taken aback by the good news of her healing. Gene had had a few months of shear misery and terror that she was going to definitely die of cancer. Now, to be told that she had no cancer cells in her body was almost too much to take in. Gene was ecstatic with the good news. She had to tell her family who had been praying constantly for her healing. Well, the news flew like wildfire all up and down the east coast to every relative and their churches that Gene had been healed of the Big C. No operations, nothing except good personal care by her family, mother and sister...She was healed! Praises be to the Great God of us all, Jehovah, and Jesus Christ, our Savior. The telephones were kept hot from telling the good news of Gene's miraculous healing. She had everything in the world to live for now.

It took Gene about a year to "kick the habit" of taking the Oxycodon. Of course, taking it every two hours had her addicted, but she was determined to kick the habit herself. If God, no, since God saw fit to have mercy on her and cure her of the deadly cancer, then she was determined to get herself free of the Oxycodon by taking it one step, one fifteen minutes, one prayer at a time, spacing the pills out until she didn't depend on them any longer. Yes, she kicked the habit herself over a year's time. Today, I'm proud to say, my older sister, Gene is cancer free still, after ten years! Glory to God in the Highest! Thanks be to God for my sister, a walking miracle!

Until next time, good folks. There is always something new each day when you are a believer in a Mighty God such as our Father, Jehovah and His Son, Christ Jesus. God bless you all, friends.

E. Bonnie Ryan